



英文裡相對的字 enlightenment 可說相當傳神,en(使)light(光)en 其字根拆解就是[使得到光]的意思。

中文也可翻成[啟蒙]的意思,如18世紀歐洲的啟蒙運動 the Enlightenment


I had a sudden enlightenment.

He may have an enlightenment after he enters college.

那教授有趣的授課 [啟發了我./使我開竅了.]
The professor's interesting instruction enlightened me.

通常叫: Filipino maid
更加禮貌的翻譯: domestic helper 、housemaid都可以。
若對方是來幫你照顧老人、小孩的,也可稱之為 caregiver或 carer。
生活型態 life style
設身處地 place yourself in others' position
注重 think much of
生活常規 daily routine
分工合作 share work and cooperate with
體諒 be considerate
相處融洽 get along with someone
為人著想 be in someone's shoes
調養身心 take good care mentally and physically
定下心 be settle, settle down
最有把握 something that is confident to do most
柔軟度和肌耐力 body flexibility and muscular power
嗜好和興趣 habits and interests
外冷內熱的人 cold outlook with passionate heart
心情平靜、沉澱下來 quiet down
能守分寸 do in proper way

框架來源:轉載  音樂來源:轉載